Asking you to stay....the words are finally here..
Yes tons and tons of pictures today (haha) ...First are some shots from the Gwen Stefani concert in Toronto....not a bad concert actually, I don`t think it was worth the $100 but it was still a good show. Gwen sang every song I think from her new album and had a new outfit for each song that she sang..I was quite impressed with the band and the dancers personally, concidering I`m not the biggest Gwen Stefani fan I was still entertained by the band and break dancing squad! ...ok now on to some important music and when I say IMPORTANT I mean it...the brilliant blog of YouaintnoPicasso have relased a new Elliott Smith song which is a really really good tune...I`ve been listening to it on repeat now for about 20min...The sound of the recording is very crisp...and it sounds like Happy Elliott which is awesome ELLIOTT SMITH - Stickman ....also I`ve been obbsessed with a this song GOLDSPOT-Rewind so download both of these to add to your collection...I`ll leave ya with a picture now of me at my work Christmas Party (Dominoes Pizza) I recieved my 5yr pin and an award for delivering 40 runs in one night....which I don`t remember doing but thanks Jose...CN The Strokes - Heart In A Cage |
Comments on "Asking you to stay....the words are finally here.."
I love Gwen!!!!!..........................................thats it....
Oh and I updated my blog
Gwen was good. I didn't like how she took SSOOO long to come out, but she did put on one hell of a show!!
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