Screw California.....
![]() I`m an Idiot!! In the midst of coming up with the 25 Best Albums of 2005, I totally forgot to add Rogue Wave`s new record. So around number 10 I would like to add the album Decended By Vultures by Rogue Wave.Also I apologize for the lack of updates this weekend but the weekends are usually quite busy for I wanted the top 25 albums of 2005 to show at the top for a few days. Tonight marks the 1,000,000 time seeing the Ultimate Canadian Rock Band Sloan, who are playing at the Drink this stay tuned for a concert review to come reaaal soon...I would also like to give a big RIP to Mr.Miyagi who passed away on Friday...I enjoyed all the Karate Kid movies when I was younger so I was sad to hear of his passing...Voxtrot, which is a new band that i`ve been keeping my eye on has a new song that was released on there Myspace account...which can be found by clicking HERE...that`s it for now...SSSSLLLOOOOAAAAANNN...CN ![]()
Comments on "Screw California....."
Chris I wish i was goin to see Sloan!!! That would be the big SECOND time i have seen them. I would like to take the time now to once again tell you how much i enjoy your blog. It is jokes!!Oh and in Melissa's entertainment update: MATTHEW MCONNAUGHY SEXIEST MAN ALIVE! C'mon where was the shout out in ur blog?? Oh and Michael Scott and Jim ( the office) made the list too!!! ok. peace out
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