I`m the Generator, firing whenever you quit!
![]() Lots of new music today to mention...maybe because its Tuesday...but lots of the music I`m gonna discuss hasn`t been released yet or won`t ever be released....First some new Belle & Sebastian music ..OK now I know this might be a little wrong ...but then again I don`t really care but I found the new Belle and Sebastian record ...The Life Persuit...so go and get your download on!! Belle and Sebastian - The Life Persuit LP Also I was surfing across the net today only to stumble across a great post from a Wonderfull blog "So Much Silence" which has 9 "Live" tracks recorded by Laura Veirs on a radio performance...The sound of her voice is a little off but still exciting... so what are you waiting for??? Start Downloading! Laura Veirs - Cool Water Laura Veirs - Rialto Laura Veirs - Parisian Dream Laura Veirs - Lake Swimming Laura Veirs- Fire Snakes Laura Veirs - Spelunking Laura Veirs - Magnetized Laura Veirs - Secret Someones Laura Veirs - Galaxies ![]() ![]() Broken Social Scene - Fire Eye`d Boy |
Comments on "I`m the Generator, firing whenever you quit!"
haha ya dude....i was pissed, but still love the show. I have to check out this Laura Veirs chick....you love her
ya i think you do love her chris should i be jealous?
haha..I like the music guys!
Nice site!
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Nice site!
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Nice site!
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