I`m in love with tricks so pull another rabbitt out your hat....
Have you seen America`s Next Top Model?? If you have then read forward...If not then skip ahead .....so I was surfing blogs the other day and Jordan`s blog had an Interesting post...seems as though miss Jayla has her own MySpace account...so go over and check it out...she actually is online sometimes...ohh the link is HERE...N.E.X.T. up a little nerd update for those of you who are like me and enjoy computers...The newest version of Firefox (a web browser) is available for download from www.firefox.com...I highly reccommend the download of the new browser..it offers more security then the regular Internet Explorer and my Blog looks waaay better on a Firefox browser then IE....ok enough geek talk, lets talk politics for a second...nuthing serious but I noticed on CNN.com today that George Bush is set to serve Jury Duty...yes the president of the United States is required for a Jury Duty...Don`t get your hopes up though, he`s probably not going to go threw with it though...maybe running the country is a little more important...but then again who knows...go HERE to read the article...MUSIC time...Ok sorry no new Mp3`s for ya today but I have learned that Dr Disk downtown is going to be closing...which is very sad in a way considering I have bought a ton of records from that store in the past...good news is that there will probably be incredible deals...CN
Comments on "I`m in love with tricks so pull another rabbitt out your hat...."
chris.. not sure if yer a big strokes fan like myself.. but the new album leaked today... hit it.