But I`m not crazy I`m just a little boy...
![]() Yes I have finally got around to creating my own banner for the top...whew its about bloody time...let me know what u think..Lots of new music to point ya in the right direction..First me and Patricia went yesterday to Grooves and I grabbed the new Tour EP by Pedro The Lion, which is really good except for that it only contains 6 live tracks, but I`ll leave ya with at least one of them for ya as my Song Of The Day ...Speaking of live tracks, MOKYB has posted a live set of Rogue Wave in Atlanta...click HERE to download that..Now for those of you that are in the London area, I was reading on Pollstar today that Nine Inch Nails is coming to John Labbatt Center....which I think is kinda kool...even though I`m not the biggest NIN fan...I wonder who is opening??..So also no new Lost tonight which sucks, first no new Prison Break and now a Lost repeat...woo hoo...Also I feel the need to point out one of the best Christmas CD`s I`ve ever come across...Its from the good people at The Test Pilot...I`ll leave ya with the track listing but go HERE to download.... ![]() ![]() ![]() PEDRO THE LION - Forgone Conclusions (Live) **Yes you can now download my song of the day** |
Comments on "But I`m not crazy I`m just a little boy..."
i will vote for you chrissy!!!! That chrismtas album rocks my socks right off!! Ok bye, Got my big screen tv today and i'm excited!!
what are you views on abortion, capitol punishment, and the legalization of marijuana....These are all issues that need to be addressed in your campaign...i am a supporter, but also a skeptic.......ah shit, I'll vote for you anyway, your just as crooked as the rest of them but your my friend...lol......1 vote for Christopher J Neiles
wierd, as I was posting, melissa was posting.....wierd
hmm...u guys are weird
Chris I know a guy that would make a great campaign manager for you... he has a suit already! Eric I think you know him too!
no.......I have no clue who you are talking about................bah......hahahah
Yeah I already have him as my Finiacial Advisor...
dude, he's gonna make you some real money........
Chris, your girlfriend spelled my name wrong.....can you discipline her please.....show her the way
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