I`ve got these great ideas, and I don`t think there ever coming back..
Ok if I could have 10 seconds of your precious time...I`d like to ask ya to stop and think about the great man known to us as John Lennon...Today marks the 25th anniversary of his death, which if you do the math, means that I was alive and breathing oxygen when he was still on this earth. Mmk ..seriously though there will be no other like John Lennon, the man stood for peace and love and happiness in a generation that was lacking all three...Even if you wern`t the biggest Beatles fan, you still know who the man is and what he stood for and for that we should take 10 seconds out of our day and act in a way that he would have wanted....mmk now for another important note...I must say I read the most interesting article on Eye today...The article was about Arrested Development and what the future has in store for the show...the article also pointed me to a web site on how to save the show..so please if you have some extra time today go HERE (www.saveourbluts.com) and help save one of the best comedies on TV....Now on to some concert news...I was reading today that Rogue Wave will be playing a show with Nada Surf at Lee`s palace in March...so I will definatly be trying my best to attend that show....Who`s with me??...speaking of shows tonight I will be attending the Gwen Stefani concert at the ACC...so be sure to come here tommorrow and hopefully I`ll have some pics....I`ll now leave ya with an Beatles cover sung by my personal favourite Elliott Smith..CN Elliott Smith - Because (Beatles Cover) |
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