Touch....The...Matterhorn...I`m Gone.......
Well hello there, and welcome back. If your reading this then I know your as passionate about today`s blog entry as I am. Lets start with the faboulous meal provided by Red Lobster.. I decided to go with a little Ultimate Feast which consists of lobster tail, grilled shrimp, and my favourte garlic shrimp...ohh and crab. Then it was off to graduation where I met up with the other 6 people from my class...yes that`s right 6. The ceremony was actually decent though...not too long. So we took some shots of me in the goofy Graduation Hat, grabbed my diploma and rushed to my sisters house to catch the opening of Apprentice. We had to see the opening...I mean Trump fired 4 people last week. Then we got Mike to grab The O.C. and watched that..Which to be honest was great..its been a while since The O.C has been on and i`ve had the night off...Lets see...ohh yeah Music Beef...Things that i hate....releasing another box set of rarities right before know what i`m talking about...that`s right...fuckin Nirvana:Silver best of the box...bullshit what did i do...yeah man ...that`s right I downloaded it...sorry had to hear what it sounded like being an old Nirvana fan in high school..right after I downloaded this I said to myself this is gonna be shit...and i was dead on the money...horseshit to be exact..The quality of sound is very bad...sounds like they used muffled mikes and a shitty 4 track to record the songs..and the new version of "Come As You Are" that were supposed to be looking forward too ..I can`t even understand what Kurt was singing....and the instumentation is all crackly...andway`s bottom line don`t buy it if u i`m off to bed cause i work 24 hrs tommorrow..first 7-4 at Telehell and then off to Dominoes for my 4:30 till whenever shift....good thing is that there is talk of a movie check back tommorrow to see what movie I saw...oooooohhh..intense!..CN SONG OF THE DAY - Egger - Just Cause You Can (if u can`t find it...tell me and i`ll send it to ya...just MSN or E-mail me) |
Comments on "Touch....The...Matterhorn...I`m Gone......." dude, my class kills yours, we have 13 people......and the class next door you ask??? 3 for pharmacy tech. how do they pay a teacher to teach 3 students. must be why westervelt cost $7000 for 6 months....anyway, red lobster ultimate feast is the ultimate meal hands down....if you like seafood. How is it that dead people continue to release music??? Tupac, Biggie, Kurt Cobaine.....those bastards are all alive getting high on an island and sending music over the internet using satellite connection......greedy fucks
Chrissy, the ultimate feast was the ultimate experiment for the rest of the table. Thank you so much for letting me have a peice of your lobster. Although i will never have it again, i will be forever thankful for the oppurtunity you gave me. It was a lifelong dream and you granted it to me. Also NIRVANA RULES. Except that i only love David Grohl, cause i love the foo fighters. Anyway thanks for comin over. Sorry i fell asleep. I get really sleepy sometimes. But at least you got to hang out with dawn ( your other sister)...she was sooo happy about it!! CAll me
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