Ladies and gentlemen ....Boys and Girls....Lets Give It Up ......For "The Teletech Band" With Matt on guitar.... Jordan on bass... Raph on drums... and yours truly on Lead vocals and Guitar!!(yeah we were bored at work)....But yes I did find out my shift today seems as though I`m gonna be working Thurs-Mon 7:15am-4pm with Tue and Wed off, which isn`t bad cause I have the evenings off but sucks cause I work all weekends...On a more important note I really need to get some music news off my chest...First and most important my idol Elliott Smith `s 2yr anniversary of his death is this week and while I was sitting at work I was thinking of how much it sucks that I will never hear another New song of his ever...Or an new album...Then threw reading my daily Chartattack when I read "New Elliott Smith Songs Leaked On Net" best day of my life right?....dammn riiiiiiiight....Woo hoo...So I guess his ex roommate decided that on his anniversary he would "accidently" release the other songs that didn`t make it on "Basement On A Hill".....Turns out his roommate was not allowed to have anything to do with the final cut of the record so he said "fuck them" and leaked it.....We`ll thank can find/ download t he album here (You need a Bittorrent Client....And then just type Elliott Smith in the search bar) so download it or put on any Elliott Smith record and enjoy the day away cause 2 yrs ago this week we lost one of the greatest song wrighters of all time....And I`m grateful that I had the opportunity to see him live twice and will always have a special place in my heart for creating such beautiful songs....Ok now for a uplifting music antidote....Ready for it.....................Hillary Duff is comin to the John Labatt Center in pic to leave ya with is taken from my dinner break last night....In which my cousin Mike and GF Patricia came to meet me at Subway....Thanks guys!...CN SONG OF THE DAY= Elliott Smith - Angeles |
Comments on ""I could make you satisfied in everything you do,all your 'secret wishes' could right now be coming true,and be forever with my poison arms around u""
The Teletech band rocks!
so does Hikaru Utada :)
and yeah, you're shift is pretty good. Mine is pretty good too, if only i had Saturdays off, or if I was off an hour earlier *shakes fist* BLAST!
I am CRONOS! yeah anyway, those pics are pretty funny, you should bring your camera with you everywhere you go.
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