Well I`m back and what a weekend to tell ya about...First I`ll tell ya about me and Patricia`s visit to Fanshawe Pioneer Village...We traveled around on a hay ride around the village and saw these 13yr old kids reenact murder stories and hangings....Which was different yet very enjoyable....These kids were scary....Good for them I say...I just wish I wasn`t freezing! Next I have to talk about this video game that I spent all weekend looking for called Shadow Of The Colossus ....WOW...Visually this is the best game I`ve seen and I can see what all the fuss is about...Basically I`m this little warrior and I have to climb on these creatures and kill em....U have to play it to see what I mean cause there`s more statagy to it then that....Also for the first time in a long time I was able to buy a DVD...So I went out and got the new Arrested Development Season 2...Which in my opinion is the funniest season so far...I`ve just started disk one but I`m sure I`ll be threw it in no time........If your thinking of seeing the movie "Domino" I would say "wait until it comes out on video" its one of those movies that comes along in your life where I`m on the fence about it....it wasn`t good...But then again it wasn`t bad either...It was just there I guess...Good points=Kira Knightly shows a little skin, Bad points = the plot can be confusing at times....CN SONG OF THE DAY = Panic! At The Disco - London Beckoned Songs About Money Written By Machines |
Comments on "Cos I've been dreaming of low-flying jets.."
I hate those flicks. The ones where you feel it was better to spend 5$ than the $20 that you spent at the movies. You buy yours, and your girlfriends tickets for a bad movie.....luckily you made a deal that you would pay for the tickets, and she would pay for the food, when in reality it would have been better to rent it and buy that $2 bag of chips.
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