What Ever Happened To Corey Haim??
![]() Well it seems that I was captain popular today with the blog trend...Like a Rap Mogul...I`ve gotta start out with the Shout Outz YO!.....First to my bad boyee Erik (the intoxicated individual in the picture below with The Spyes t-shirt on) who has grabbed a seat beside me on the bandwagon and has decided to start his own Blog called Cochranetown (this is the part where u click on Cochranetown to take u too his blog)...Kool Eh!..My next shout out goes to my Job partner in crime Matt. Who in his own spare time at Teletech has managed to come up with his own art work to contribute....and last but not least my other work associate Jordan who gave me the idea for this blog (the link to his site will be off to the right too) I watched The Office last night which is a great little show that you should definitely check out...please...I`m so afraid of this show getting canceled cause nobody watches it....Anyway`s my girlfriend Patricia told me earlier that it was her Fav. ![]() |
Comments on "What Ever Happened To Corey Haim??"
this Jordan fellow seems dashing! You should provide your readers with a full description, as well as a list of all positive aspects!
drop ancor in poop harbour. hahah.
douche bag.
Hey I missed the office cause i fell asleep. LIKE USUAL!!!! Anyway, can u download it cause i apparantly LOVE TO SLEEP through pretty much anything!!!
MElissa Kaye Neiles
Yo I Gotz that Office episode for ya!!
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