OK now I got something to bitch about...Its called when your car gets injured....See this is what I get (I came outta work and it was like this)...ya I know it doesn`t look that bad, but come on its a bitch trying to drive down a street and always having too look over your shoulder....Plus I have power mirror`s so I know that won`t be cheap to fix....Shit I just get my first paycheck and its already goin towards my car.....dah well that`s life I guess......On another thing I`d like to comment on (not bitch, just comment) is I`ve been getting a lot of people comin to me and sayin hey u shouldn`t put that on the blog or hey can u put this on your blog...To respond to this I gotta say that I`m gonna put on here whatever comes to my head. It might be rude sometimes so if u don`t like it, well no one`s forcing ya to come here....Its easy think "would Eminem be popular if he rapped about puppy dogs and ice cream??"probably not right....Not to say I`m gonna be as rude as he is but u get the picture...Ok now onto a funny music note....Tonight I thought I`d download the album Eye in the Sky by the ever popular band The Alan Parson`s Project....Now let me explain why this is funny...My dad Jimmy used to have this on record and I remember when I was a kid I used to tell him to put it on all the time (I had to tell him to put it on cause I was that young and couldn`t do it myself)because I thought the record cover and liner notes were kool.(I liked the big eye)..It was probably one of my favorite albums...Even though I only know a few songs...Back in the 80`s this was the record to get(meliss u might have been to young to remember this album) anyway`s I`m gonna finish this entry so I can go over to Patricia`s to watch Apprentice....If I have more time I`ll do another entry later Sat....Stay tuned....CN SONG OF THE DAY = Heatmiser - Pop In G |
Comments on "Psychobabble"
Yeah, I know what it's like when people comment on the content of your blog... or journal, or website or whatever you wish to call it.
It's whatever you make it... fuck them eh? hehe..
I enjoy reading it nonetheless.
I'll be back on monday..
Chris and I will have to hook you up with some special cookies on Monday Jordan. And yeah, Neiles, no more blog commentary from myself...You'll just have to wait and see the full power of the blog harnessed when I unleash the blog to end all blogs (patent pending, for more information visit your nearest price chopper store)
Neiles, the blog is called Neileslife, not HEY CHRIS PUT THIS ON.....its all you buddy. the A.P.P=money dude. i did some remix work of one of their tracks for my cousins wedding. you know the tune that the Bulls use to enter back in the glory days....anyway, rock on CN
Hey Chrissy. I DO REMEMBER THAT ALBUM, but wasn't it like shiny gold, the eyeball? maybe i made that up. i do kinda remember tho!! keep writing cause i am reading
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