There were protests and contests, attitudes to cop, i want it all to stop...
Ok so since i`m a loaner i`ve decided to keep my life busy by thinking of events that i can add to this stupid blog. So today was Business day (yes that is a tie around my neck). I decided to try and look as professional as possible. No reason. Just cause. Also i`ve been buzzing around other blogs in my spare time and i`ve noticed that people are including old pics of them self. So i`ve decided to include my Gr12 student card. Enjoy. I know I did. Next up I would like to extend a big congrats to my Parents who celebrated 26yr of marrage yesterday....Good for them i say.... Ok so onto music...a big thanks to the Kingster to refering me to a band called Artic Monkeys...I Checked em out man...not bad...the album i downloaded...some of the songs arn`t great quality but i`m enjoying the tune "Bigger Boys and Stolen Sweethearts".....good shit.....also got me a copy of the new Death From Above 1979 remix those guys sometimes take ya into left field...and i love it...Speaking of weird shit...since i`ve been an on going visiter to the local i`ve been noticing the amount of seeds (the amount of people sharing the file) has been crazy like 1500 seeds for some of i decided to download and watch a little bit of this Naruto Anime (chinese cartoons) It was kinda good to be honest...very very strange yet entertaining...i especially enjoyed the music (the opening song was kinda Indie Rockish, except sung in a different language) and the outragious violence.....Ok that`s about it for today...nuthing really exciting happened except for work at Telehell where i talk to the most ignorant people around...I spent at least 25 minutes (no word of a lie...Jordan can back me up) telling a woman how to type "http://"......anyway`s so i`m off to BJ`s to watch "Hood To Hood" (its a crazy movie that Matt was telling me about...i guess its about the worst ghetto`s in the US) so i`ll tell ya how it went tommorrow.....CN SONG OF THE DAY = Artic Monkeys - Bigger Boys and Stolen Sweethearts |
Comments on "There were protests and contests, attitudes to cop, i want it all to stop..."
chris i have a better copy of that Arctic Monkeys album if ya want it. I guess its not really there album , its a collection of the demos they used to get signed.
Dearest Chrissy...i would also like to watch that ghetto movie that you and bj are goin to watch. Please tell me how it is...seems interesting. holla homeboi
I love your blog, but you have to correct your description of Naruto anime as "chinese cartoons". I don't which of those you were trying to describe, but in both cases that description would be so wrong. Both are of Japanese origin.
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