Isn`t It Pretty Yeah, I`m Gonna See My City Dead.....
![]() Hey Chris how are ya doin today (since no one visits here i`ll just talk to myself)....dah i`m good and yourself?....haha...anyways lets start off this one with the usual music news for the day...and since it was Tue know what that means "New Music Day" so i did what i do everyday on my break...I headed over to my second home which is also known as "Grooves" (cd store beside Dr Disk downtown) first thing i see Death From Above 1979 disk....WTF i did i let this happen??? i should have seen this i look on the back and it turns out its a remex album with some b-sides....whew..still awesome but i woulda felt like an idiot if....well u get the picture..also gotta say that i`m lovin the new Elliott Smith record...awesome tunes...i think i like it better then the Basement material....speaking of things awesome....i finally watched Monday`s episode of Prison that show is getting good...its kinda reminding me of the first season of 24....u don`t know who to trust becuase this is the first time we`ve met these characters...on a shout on note i have to mention some other blogg`s that you should check out..First my Telehell pal Matt who`s blog can be found here ...he`s got lots of great Computer/Techie Links so check it out, and my other Telehell Raff who`s blog is called Boogie Nights...also check out Now I Remember where you can find other great Indie Rock stories... ![]() SONG OF THE DAY = Block Party-Like Eating Glass |
Comments on "Isn`t It Pretty Yeah, I`m Gonna See My City Dead....."
thanks for the shout out chris. you still have not accepted my indie rock nerd battle challenge!?!?!? haha
mmk Kinger...your on!
ya dude, nobody visits your site. you least I have 3 people that visit, your cousin, and julia.......oh and felker.....sometimes kinger.......micah once........but I think they've all visited yours too. Prison Break is money eh? I can't wait for the DVD
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