Man I gotta hand it to the government for setting up a wonderfull health care plan...sure its free so I can`t really complain....I could be in Africia or somewhere where there is no health care...but I mean yesterday me and poor Patricia (who was suffering from a migrane of all migranes) went to the old St Joe`s Emergency and they made her wait for like find out a diagnosis that I coulda made...but I guess it helps just hearing from a professional that your OK....the funny part is while i`m driving Patricia to the hospital...the classic Patience is being played on the radio (the song by GNR) i should have taken that as a sign ....hope your feeling better babe....btw sorry about the slow reply today...but i wanted to finish this entry when i got home from Jordan `s house but Blogger was down...I had a lot of fun last night actually...there`s nuthing like getting together and playing some 3 player action we played a ton of games too....Jordan your collection of video games and syste ms is crazy....we played old Nintendo 64 bond...which i havn`t played in a while...but i have to say i enjoyed the 3 player Mario Kart...with the bombs...good shit...alright Music...i`m very excited to say that Kevin Federline (Britney Spears husband) is realasing a hip hop album...go HERE to listen to the track....ok don`t really go cause the song sucks shit but if your curious i left the link just in case...i`m sorry but i feel as if this guy is this biggest lamo ever.....on a more better music note...I got my hands on the new Egger album and I can`t stop listening to it..i`ve gotta hand it to Don Kerr (From the Rheostatics) he plays drums and keys and every other instrument on the album.(didn`t realize he was soo talented) it sounds like old Inbreds tunes.....speaking of the Inbreds..I made my first internet album purchase...i`ve wanted a copy of the live Inbreds album for awhile...and i learned that it was only $8 from i went ahead and downloaded i have bad luck with this band...i`ve never seen em live and since there not around anymore...i guess i`ll just have to enjoy this new CD.....anyway`s i`m off to watch a documentary called "The God Who Wasn`t There" which is supposed to be like a "Bowling For Columbine" except its about Jesus...also got the new and final Star Wars movie....i loooove SW...I would like to say though ...that i do hope this is the last one though.....give the SW saga a rest and leave it alone as the great series that it already is...(i`ve been hearing rumors that Lucas wants to release other SW films)...check back here tommorrow cause tonight is my College I`ll leave some pics from that...CN SONG OF THE DAY - Guns And Roses - Patience |
Comments on "Just cause you can... don`t mean you should..."
ya dude, I heard he wanted to release a Yoda Saga. The story of how Yoda became what he is....i agree, leave it alone. we can't afford any more poorly acted movies from georgy. Don't get me wrong, i love the Star wars saga, but the acting in episode 3 left me a little disappointed....more so than watching Mark Hamil play Luke in the older congrats on the graddy
Chrissy. i don't like your song of day. it makes me sad.
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