K lots to get to and lots of pictures again today....First..Sat night...we (as in Me, Patricia, Dawn, and Melissa) went to celebrate Chad`s birthday at Jack Astors...which was supposed to be a surprise event, and i was taking a piss when he was coming threw the door and everyone was yelling surprise...the real treat was that Chad`s sister Julia was paying for all the apatizers...then i dropped the girls off and went over to Chad`s for a bit and then we went down to Ceeps...the girls met up with us later on, and proceeded to join us in the greatest Halloween treat...a JimBob`s visit...which didn`t last long ...thank god....then we ran into the Channel 4 news team (from Anchorman) and lost everyone, so went back to my sister`s place for some "Yearbook" laughs...So then today was another Halloween adventure...first it was off to Toronto for Patricia`s cousin`s graduation...where we ate our asses off....then we went to Canada`s Wonderland for Fearfest (its when they turn Wonderland into a scary theme park turning off all the lights and adding more attractions)...which was awesome ...man Italian Job was freaking ridiculious in the dark...it was faster and twice as fun at night....same with Sledgehammer...i liked going on that one better at night then during the day....also the last picture i`ve included for today is from my buddy Ryan, who i went to school with...Our graduation is this Thurs (yes i finally graduated from college) and since no one in our class has found a job in our field yet he thought he`d make this and contribute to the blog....CN SONG OF THE DAY - John Mayer -City Life (I herd this song at least 5 times in the car today) |
Comments on "I forgot to what feels it like to be normal........what is normal?"
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Great work!
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