After 25 years of living on this planet earth I`ve finally figured out my biggest pet peeve. Nose hair...that`s it..plain and does it ever drive me crazy too. It feels like everytime that I get rid of one 18 grow back and they hide up in my nose and then.....BLAM ..Pop outta nowhere...and there long muthafuckers too..I have tried everything..I even went out and bought a mini nose hair trimmer...but then I feel like I use that thing everyday.....its really annoying and gross but tonight I just....ahh....just talking about it makes me mad...I hate nose hair...come on like do we really need it??....So me and the sis adventured to see Jarhead today...I must say I`ll admit when I was heading into this i thought i`d be in for another Saving Private Ryan or Platoon. But it actually wasn`t what I was expecting at all...and that`s why I enjoyed it...its a war movie...but it doesn`t follow the typical hrs of violence that you`d see in a regualar war film. Also WTF is up with Lost tonight...if u saw the episode then you know what I`m talking about....don`t read on if you havn` why did they boot her off...that`s crazy....So I finally got myself together and watched Prozac Nation last night starring the lovley and talented Christina Ricci. The plot was kinda boreing to be honest...but yet I found that the great acting kept my attention to the movie and what I thought was for sure to be a bad film actually turned out to be really entertaining (ps Ricci gets nude in the movie which helps...jk)....I will leave you now with a funny peice of reading brought to you by the prolific writings of an Andrew Paul Neiles. Mr Neiles was currently working on an Gr 8 personal assignment that I just happened to read when I got home. The assignment is about where he thinks he`ll be in the future.... CN
Where will I be in 5 years
In five years it will be the year 2010 and I will be 18 years old. I will be working at a local Sunoco because my sister used to work there and her bossed really like me. I will be paid $8.50 an hour. A few months ago I finished high school at R.M.C. and now im thinking of going to either university or college. I will not have a car but I will often ride my parents 2008 Ford Focus. In my spare time I will play basketball at my house with a couple of my friends. I will weigh 110 and will be 6'4. Also in my spare time I will hang out with girlfriend. She will be very very hot! My parents will be still be working at the same jobs but we wont be in the same house 5 years ago because we downsized. The reason me and my parents downsized is cause my sister and my brother will not live at my house anymore. My sister will be assitent doctern and will live in a house with her best friend Dawn. As for my brother, he will be owning his own computer store named computer teck! He will be married to Patricia and live in a house in Toronto. They will be expecting a kid soon. SONG OF THE DAY = Matthew Sweet - Sick Of Myself
Comments on "TSC!!!!.....T....S.....C stores...we really care...your superstore for farm, auto, hardware!!!"
Ok. Chris I loved the blog today, but Andrew's little assignment made me pee my pants. I love that mom and dad will STILL be driving a focus, and i will STILL be living with Dawn. haha. that makes me laugh!! Anwyay, JARHEAD was great. Jake Gyllinhal ( or however u spell it) is a good lookin boi with a nice bum. i think you'd agree. haha. byebye
hahahahahahahahahahaha........hahahahahahahahahahah......I peed, and shit my pants laughing at that.....Andrew is a classic CHRIS NEILES!!!! Melissa has a great future with dawn apparently....i hope they are happy
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