The Ultimate Block Party
On Friday night Chris and I saw "Dave Chappelle's Block Party". Since I am quite passionate about this movie Chris decided that I could write the review for Neileslife. If you're expecting a movie that is hilarious and all about Chappelle's comedy then maybe this isn't the movie for you. If you want to see one of the most talented groups of performers ever put together on one stage, then you'll love it! Block Party is the idea of Chappelle, to bring music back to the "hood" where it originated. He set the stage in Brooklyn on an old, seemingly abandoned street that is home to quite a few... characters. I liked how he featured some of the neighbors and let them be a part of his show (ie. the couple that live in the Broken Angel "house") and also how he went about giving out his "golden tickets" to people who would normally never attend a hip-hop concert. Featuring some of the most talented Hip Hop artists of our time such as Mos Def, The Roots, Kanye West, Common and The Fugees, the highlights of the movie were Lauryn Hill's performance of "Killing Me Softly" (it literally gave me chills!) and my favorite song from The College Dropout cd, Kanye West's "Get Em High" featuring Talib Kweli. The only thing that could have made this movie better was a surprise cameo from Jay-Z, but with the talent that Chappelle supplied I can't really complain! I couldn't believe it when I saw people leaving the movie ½ way through. I guess they were expecting something else, but this was 1hr 43 mins that was enjoyable in all aspects for me. If you want a movie that incorporates great music, some rough humor from Chappelle that makes you wish for more episodes of the "Chappelle's Show" and an appearance from "Mr T" then this is for you! An entertaining ride that humanizes the often-sensationalized Hip Hop world, Block Party is a great ride from start to finish!..PK Dead Prez - Hip Hop Fugees - Killing Me Softly Jill Scott - Golden Kanye West - Get Em High Mos Def - Umi Says Black Star - Definition Talib Kweli - Get By The Roots Ft Erykah Badu - You Got Me |
Comments on "The Ultimate Block Party"
Congrats for hitting 10 000 Christopher J!
thanks Pkr...i couldn`t have done it without ya...good review btw!
nice review there patrika. i completley agree with the jay z thing. he's my favorite
awww i was expecting a movie that is hilarious and all about Chappelle's comedy! :(
I thought I would take the time to write my first comment since I do read this blog every day. I just wanted to say I liked the review from Patricia. Nice team work guys.
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