With a slow day at work today I thought I would take some time outta surfing the net and go back to playing some hardcore Solitare...Solitare has been the game to pass time for generations....we`ll at least for me...I used to play the hell out of it in High School and I also played a lot of it in College...its a game that is never boreing....and if you have played as much Solitare as I have then you woulda had the same expression on your face when you saw this...![]() Yes that is all Queens and Eights on the board...bullshit and weird at the same time....Speaking of weird I came across a blog today by Mc Hammer.... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Comments on "Hard..........Hammer"
I obviously don't play as much solitaire as u, cause those queens and 8's didn't even phase me. I also play Vegas style...that might have something to do with it. 2 LEGIT...2 LEGIT 2 QUIT!
I'm loving this blog - thanks for the music...
I just started a blog over here - I'd love it if you came and checked it out... keep up the great posts!
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