Idiot Drivers!!!
I don`t dislike a lot of things in my life...In fact I would say a majority of the time I am pretty easy going..But there is one thing that pisses me off to no end.....And if you have ever stepped behind the wheel of a motor vehicle then you`ll know where I`m coming from. I can`t stand people that either pull over so they can see a number of a house, or a street sign, or if they pull over to the right at any time and slow down WITHOUT signaling.....It drives me nuts...If you are going to slow down and pull over to the right and check out a street # or name....Use the damn signal and let the people know behind you that you are going to be slowing down...Thanks...Now something special has happened to Neileslife tonight...I have upgraded my Ezshare account so I have waaaaay more room for mp3` now I will be able to provide you with more songs and the older songs will be on the blog for a bit longer and not the standard week that they used to to celebrate I have decided to give away all the tracks for what I can safely say is my Favourite EP Of All Time..The EP the band Best Kissers In The World, is one of those EP`s that you can listen to from start to finish...all the songs are catchy as hell and Gerald Collier vocals are easy to fall in love get your download on cause this is a rare one to find anymore these days...enjoy!CN Best Kissers In The World - Melanie Best Kissers In The World - 60 Seconds Best Kissers In The World - Pickin Flowers Best Kissers In The World - Laughable Best Kissers In The World - Smoke Rings |
Comments on "Idiot Drivers!!!"
I hear what you are saying about drivers - seriously how hard is it to hit the signal?
Anyway, I am gonna leave rapidshare behind and get some real hosting and I am hoping you might give me some advice about ezarchive. I was wondering about which type of account you had/have, if you would recommend it, and if there is any limits on how many downloads.
um...didn't J.P give u that c.d?? hahaha
dude i remember the song Pickin Flowers from high school....i was unable to download...any chance of posting it again...ill be yer best Boombox
Chrissy...please don't develop road rage like your sister...and, Erik, you are soooo funny, and very cute too. Mom.
I think you re cute too!!!
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