Crazy News
![]() Big Big News to talk about so I`ll get right to it...First, The Spyes have been reduced to 3 members again..Our guitarist Tom has decided to call it quits after playing in the band for over 5 yrs...Me Jay and Tom started the band originally under the name Shoegazer yrs ago and have contined playing under the name The Spyes ever since....The Spyes now consist of Me, Mike and Jay....and we are currently looking for other members...So if you play an instrument or know someone who does let me know...Tom`s departure was a long time coming and we wish him well in the future....but The Spyes will continue and we are currently in the process of working on new songs as well as a new sound..I will keep ya posted on more info when it comes available to me in the future....Moving on...I got the craziest e-mail today...well its not that crazy to some of you but for me it was pretty exciting...Derek (ex lead singer for the band Radioblaster) sent me an e-mail today about my`s the e-mail Hilarious! My friend Jeff just sent me a link to your blog from Jan 15. On it the songs of the day are by Radioblaster, my old band. Thanks for the props. I now play in a band called Uncut (on Paper Bag), you may have heard of us, being that you are a fan of the Diableros, Interpol and Trail of Dead... Anyways, we'll be in London with the Diabs in early March, perhaps we'll see you there! Derek ![]() Its a big deal because I am probably the biggest fan of Radioblaster (Sugar Shock is one of my fav albums of all time) and to hear that the singer visited my blog...well that`s just kool shit..Also today was my last day at Telehell which was a little sad today since I`ve met so many kool people there but I `m looking forward to my new job that starts on Thurs...anyway`s I`m out...I gotta catch up and watch the episode of Grey`s Anatomy (that was on after the Superbowl) featuring Christina Ricci...I`ll leave ya with some tracks from Derek`s new band Uncut..CN ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Comments on "Crazy News"
uncut are fantastic. seen them a few times live. really anything of paper bag records rocks.
DUDE!!!!! I can play everlong. Sign me up for the band!!! Haha. I'll let you teach me guitar for real tho, or I'll rock the cowbell....anything....
thats some cool beans right there. Uncut are such an amazing band.
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