Poor Jim :-(
![]() So I`ve been thinking about Jim (from the Office) a lot today....Not in a sexual way fools but more on a I feel sorry for the guy level...Also I`m very curious to find out how they are going to move forward with the plot as Pam`s wedding gets closer!...Poor Jim..I mean he obviously loves Pam and she knows it even though she`s playing dumb...If you watched this weeks episode they even gave us a clue...Pam picked up on Kelly liking Ryan when they were sending out the wedding invitations...So she`s gotta know that Jim likes her...anyway its frustrating because its another example how nice guys finish last...C`mon Pam smartin up...you know Jim will be a lot better in the long run then Roy ....as a tribute to Jim I`ll leave ya with some Jim themed songs today...CN ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Comments on "Poor Jim :-("
I LUV JIM!!! He's so funny...how he always stares at the camera. Also, that dwight shrute speech was HILARIOUS.
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