The psychiatrist posing as psychologist
Man I feel as though I have so much music to share...First I`m very excited to announce that Mew is coming to Toronto...Finally!!...I think I`ve been waiting 3 years now for these guys to come here...I`ve been a big fan of Mew ever since Frengers came out in 2003...I dunno I love the high pitched sound of Jonas Bjerre`s voice and the experimental pop sound that comes out of the rest of the band..So hopefully I can get tickets...Speaking of crazy concerts the Foo Fighters and Bob Dylan will be coming to my hometown...crazy eh...Bob Dylan in London...anyway`s I might get tickets for that...depends on if I have to sacrifice a kidney or not...I found time to finally listen to the new album from the band Mando Diao over the weekend...and I`m not too impressed so far...I guess I just find it all sounding the same...I know they have a tendency to sound a little like Franz Ferdinand sometimes but this album sounds too much like you know what I mean?? I loved Mando`s first album but this one is just not for me...I`ll give it another chance this week and see how I feel about it then...let me know what u think?..CN Mando Diao - Welcome Home Luc Robitaille Mando Diao - You Don`t Understand Me Mando Diao - The Wildfire Mando Diao - Killer Kaczynski |
Comments on "The psychiatrist posing as psychologist"
When are FOOs coming?? b just when I move eh?? BRUTAL
why post something you don't believe in. Seems asinine don't you think
as much as i love dylan.. i find it a bit disappointing when artists at his age try to release an album in an attempt to stay relevant. In my eyes he should have faded out gracefully rather than release a mediocore album.
The album just came out todayso i don't have a specific opinion on 'Modern Times' supposed mediocrity. I'd never pass judgement on an album I hadn't digested. Saving that, an album I had atleast listened to twice already. Alls I can say is based on the the first track 'Thunder on the mountain' it sounds like it might be a good album. Dylan is playful, he's witty, and he's in good spirits based on this track. I'm excited to pick it up. Dylan remains relevant. Look around to see our continued fascination with him as proof. While 'Love Sick' and 'Time out of mind' are certainly no 63-76 era. they are atleast comparable in scope. They can be appreciated for their honesty and maturity. 'Lovesick' stands as one of his greatest songs EVER. I'm excited for the JLC show. I migt be worried if The Raconteurs or Kings of Leon were opening (as they are on other dates). These bands might upstage the old sage. Thankfully dave Grohl and his merry band of mediocrity will only cause the crowd to be more grateful when Dylan appears.
Dig all your guys work by the by. come check out another local at
i'm slowly getting things rolling
Wow that was the deepest, most thought out post on this blog...Other than did you get that weed??
hawker very well put. we obviously have different opinions on the current state of dylan. Ill stick to blood on the tracks you can have the new stuff :). Anyways.. ill definatly check out yer site.
i wanna go to that concert!
Mando Diao would sound like Franz Ferdinand ?? How could they : the Swedes existed BEFORE the Scotish guys !
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