You will always be alive!
![]() Ok now before we move any further I think its time we move our Blog relationship to the next level...Yes i`m talking about second base!!..Otherwise known as Frapper!...WTF is Frapper you ask.....Good question I`ll let you click HERE to fullfill your a couple weeks ago I herd that Jenny Lewis (who is from Rilo Kiley, who I had the opportunity of seeing live when they opened for Coldplay) was releasing a solo when I saw some Mp3`s leaked on Gorilla vs Bear (another great Indie Rock Blog) a couple days ago...thinking nothing of it I decided to give it a download and now I`m since I`ve been really bad reciently (giving out free music) I thought I`d carry on and give ya the link to the new Jenny Lewis & The Watson Twins LP....I personally recommend the tune "You are what you love" ![]() ....hehe and since I`m in a real silly mood to give away great music ![]() ...its now time for a funny one...Now I know you`ve all herd the Grey album (Jay Z mixed to The Beatles) well now I have found the straw the broke the camel in half....that`s right ladies and Gentelmen I bring ya Q-Unit....that`s right hommies ever wanted to know how your favourite Queen songs would sound like remixed to 50 Cent??? Well know you can!! So for the last couple days Ive been obsessed with Grey`s Anatomy...don`t ask...I don`t really get it either...Its like I put on an episode and 5 minutes later its over and I find myself wanting to put on another right now actually...sorry but I gotta finish...maybe I can fit in a quick episode before bed? I`ll leave ya with a little Heigl and maybe you`ll start watching it too... CN ![]()