Love Is All - A Hundred Things Keep Me Up At Night
![]() After the break up of Girlfriendo, Josephine (vocals, keyboards), Nicholaus (guitar, vocals) and Markus (drums), Johan (bass) and Fredrik (saxophone) formed Love Is All, and debuted in 2006 with Nine Times That Same Song. They are currently signed to the New York-based indie label Whats Your Rupture?. They also have been featured on the renowned BBC radiocast Peel Sessions 2004. Their profile was raised significantly after a string of well-received US tourdates in March 2006, culminating in a sold-out headlining spot in New York, and they supported British band Maxmo Park on their UK tour in October 2006. ![]() Love Is All - Give It Back |
Comments on "Love Is All - A Hundred Things Keep Me Up At Night"
thanks for coming back!! need the tunes to get thru these times
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