Sox & Sebastien
So the Red Sox series has been keeping me up late at night....again. Its really my own fault...The game went to 12 innings the other night and instead of going to bed early and getting some much needed rest...I stayed up....Friggin awesome series man, the other ones have been a little bit of a bore but not this one. Can`t wait for the Boston & Tampa Bay ALCS. ![]() ![]() ![]() Sebastian Grainger - Cover Of Night (Fire Fight) Death From Above 1979 - Romantic Rights Death From Above 1979 - Little Girl (MSTRKRFT Remix) |
Comments on "Sox & Sebastien"
The kid with the middle finger is not a fan of baseball but of the Dutch football (or in America soccer) team Feyenoord.
Here's the original source.
a fan of Feyenoord and your blog
Damn, something went wrong with the link:
I love C.U.
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