Hello everyone it's Patricia. Chris doesn't know I'm doing this but I wanted to do something special for his birthday and knowing how big a part of his life this blog has become over the past several months I thought what better way to express myself than over this forum.
Chris, I love you so much and am so lucky to have you in my life. I'm not gonna get too mushy here but I've enlisted the help of some very special people who wanted to send their birthday wishes as well... so sit back, enjoy, and have a wonderful birthday hun!
Happy Birthday. You're always there for me and whenever I think of you I start to cry. You're like the sunrise and trees blowing in the wind. Lol. Just kidding! Andrew
- I couldn't think of a better way to do this, then to jus quote SLOAN ... " Happy Birthday To The Best Brother (or closest thing that I have to one) In The World .. Hooray .. Your Definitely One Of The Coolest To Me." .. So I had to change it abit but it comes from the heart. Happy TwoSix Kris. -B
Christopher J. Neiles. What can you say about Christopher J. The musical master is turning 26 today. We’re getting all grow’d up pal, getting real jobs and starting new adventures. We’ve been through some good times together and hopefully they won’t stop any time soon. There’s always some kind of trouble we can find whether its stealing gas from truckers in an apartment complex or cheating on Suntres’ tests…. “Hey Chris, whatcha got in that Discman?” Haha, Happy Birthday Neelies. I’m not sure what you’re doing on your actual birthday but I’m working all that weekend. I’ll hopefully be out to see you for a bit. Erik
Happy Birthday Mr. Neiles. Thank you for all the musical and gambling inspiration. All-in. Madamba
Happy Birthday Chrissy! To the kindest and happiest soul I have ever known. Even when times are tough you manage to keep your sense of humour and you have a great optimism. You're strong in so many ways and I'm proud of you and I love you! Love, mom.
Happy Birthday Chris. Let's play Poker! From Dad
Chris, I was gonna write some gay shit, but I think it’s getting old. Anyway, have a good birthday. Satan out.
Chris, Buddy! Happy Bird-Day! So many great memories, concerts, jam sessions, gigs, nintendo in your unfinished basement, basketball in your driveway, driving in circles in the church parking lot in Hamilton...You're all I could ask for in an awesome cousin. I really look up to you. Happy 26th. Keepin' it Real----your cuz, Mike
happy birthday you're old 26 wow...just wanted to say happy birthday man and i love sexual shopping says happy birthday too...
love chad
Happy Birthday Christopher James. You smell like poo. Love Katie Kehoe
Chrissy...Happy Birfday to you. I can't believe your 26...geepers...were getting OLD! I would like to take this time to say thank you for being a wonderful brother!! You are one of the best people EVER. I LOVE YOU SSSOOOOOO MUCH and I hope you have a B E A UTIFUL DAY! HOLLLA. LOVE Melissa Kaye Neiles
Happy Birthday Chris! Thanks for being our #1 fan and thanks for making your girlfriend come to every show we play in Southern Ontario. Love, Chris Murphy I hope you enjoyed this Chris!!! Everyone come to Joe Kools for some birthday celebrations on Saturday night!!! |
Comments on "Happy Birthday Chris!"
1) sorry about the formatting guys this was my first post ever
2) aren't i soooo sneaky christopher j?!
3) michael scott would also like to wish you a Happy Bird-day from him, Todd Packer and Jan Levinson (no Gould)
4) see you in the car!
- milhouse
5) love ya!
haha well isn`t this a plesant surprise...thanks guys complete for making me smile on my Birthday
ps...Is that really Chris Murphy?
NO sorry hun i deceived you it is not Chris Murphy... but I'm sure if he knew that it was Elenor and Edgar Hickey's grandson's bday he would have sent a message!
Great post Patricia!! I shed a as awesome! and happy bday to Chrissy...agan...its shosie shoppin time! Love both of yas
I think your mom made me cry dude.....and your dad was short and sweet. I think thats just the way dads are Hahah shopping, good ole' Bish.. Anyway. Happy birthday pal! have really great friends!! and the best girlfriend on the planet! have a great day, mom.
happy b-day chris. Hope it was fantastic. You're girlfriend is too sweet. Wish I knew how to hack into . ka
Hahah Kelly Stanley. "THAT'S RACIST!!!!" Kelly understands that so everybody else can just ignore it. Dude, update the blog already!
Hahah Kelly Stanley. "THAT'S RACIST!!!!" Kelly understands that so everybody else can just ignore it. Dude, update the blog already!
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