People I Can`t Stand...
Here`s an interesting post...I`m gonna just list some famous people that I can`t stand and a brief description why I think there goofs (in no order)...... Charlton Heston ![]() Sandra Bernhard ![]() Omarosa ![]() Bobcat Goldthwait ![]() Hal Johnson and Joanne McLeod ![]() Ron Hubbard ![]() Nancy Grace ![]() Morrissey ![]() Tori Spelling ![]() Paula Abdul ![]() Ok that`s enough for now....sorry if I offended anyone...and since I`ve been on a big hip-hop kick this week(Streets,Pharrell) I`ll leave ya with some Ghostface Killah tracks from his new album Fishscale...Pitchfork gave this album a 9/10 so I thought I`d try it out and get my own opinion ...I was big into Wu-Tang yrs ago, but to be honest I`ve never herd any other Ghostface albums...this one ain`t too bad actually....enjoy!..CN ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Comments on "People I Can`t Stand..."
wow this post was LOL funny... my additions to this would be:
1) Kimberley Stewart - having Paris as your friend and Rod as your dad DOESN'T make you cool
2) Jane Pickering - if you knew her you'd know what I mean
3) Victoria Beckham - hey Mars, take your alien-robot back
CJ this post is AWESOME!!!!
Ghost is the MAN!
chris did you see the shirt i posted on my site last night? I love the ghostface album.
haha yeah that shirt is hilarious!
scientology is so ridiculous. i can't believe it even exists as a religion.
i think this post was RIGHT up there with the poop survey...good call. i'd also like to say that i love that ur back into hip hop. gostface killah is awesome and oh yea...wuuuu-tannnngggg. thank u
you should hear my mean impression of sean connery, who i don't understand why women think is hot.
Well done!
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Well done! |
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