Coldplay @ ACC
Wow really late post today....sorry...but I got home late from the concert and decided to post this morning....anyway`s the concert was awesome last night..Coldplay never dissapoints in there live performances...the best part though was Chris Martin coming out into the crowd and singing, and he was 7ft away from us....I have a picture that Chris took so when he sends it to me i`ll show ya....for now here`s the rest of the pics... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Ok so we listened to the new Rainer Maria on the way up and everyone seemed to really enjoy it so I`ll leave ya with a few tracks...ohh and come back here on Monday cause I`m going to Destroyer on Saturday (@Lee`s) in Toronto and I`m sure I`ll have more silly pics...CN ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Comments on "Coldplay @ ACC"
CM was literally 7 ft away from us... just wait till u guys see the pic!!!
WHAT A SHOW!!!!!!!!!
there are not many people in music that i dislike more than chris martin. no offence :)
no offence taken... why even mention it when these people were obviously excited about the concert they saw and posted the pictures because THEY like him. im really sure people care about your opinion, leave it on your own site.
hhahha.. you take the internet far to seriously and you take a stab at people from behind an anonymous name.. real ballsy.. hahaha
AWesome concert. i LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And DAWN + CHRIS MATRIN= TRUE LOVE
maybe when i become the all-knowing king of music like you i will stop 'hiding' behind anonymous
i guess.. saying i dont like chris martin makes me a music nazi.. right..
is there a fight going on on Chris' blog? this is uncompfortable. Thanks for the awkwardness!! JK! Keep it up guys
fight club. hahah
If you can't even spell "offense" correctly, you have little right to criticize other people's taste in music.
thanks spelling guy.
if you take a look at your first comment you will see you also spelt it incorrectly. tool.
let neiles talk about the music he wants to talk about. no more "i heard about that 3 weeks ago, 6 months ago" whatever no more "i don't like this person or that person" no more "why are you putting that on your site". just leave the opinions on your own site. re-read some of your comments. they are not constructive, most are condesending. and actually, that last "anonymous" was not the same "anonymous" that wrote the first 2, so you must have pissed more than 1 person off. way 2 go.
excellent. thats what im here for. welcome to the world of music, everyone has an opinion. If Chris didn't care to hear my opinion i'm sure he would let me know or just ignore it. You have done a great job of making one small comment into something that to you seems to be life altering. You best be getting back to yer coldplay.
realize that it's not just that one comment. its every day. that's it. i'm done.
Hahahahahahah..........Mel you're right, this is quite akward. Its awesome though. Mrs. N is that you at all in there????? haha
haha my mom would never write this kinda stuff..ERIK!! NOTE TO KINGER: your right everyone is entitled to their own opinion. NOT TO ANONYMOUS: I think there is more then one of you. and i think i know who u all are. ok byebye
kinger knows everything about music. if he doesn't like it or didn't hear about it before you, than it is either gay or over-rated rubbish.
NOTE TO MELISSA: everyone is entitled to their own opinion but when you try to stuff it on other people it can get annoying. especially when its not even your site.
this anonymous person has me figured out.. i hate everything you like.. hahah.. go away.
NOTE TO FELKER: your awesome!
anonymous person'S' = more than 1 = you suck
ok...time for me to step in and Thank You All for adding to my blog comments and keeping this place entertaining!
clever math. still both to scared to actually use yer real name when cutting me up.
NOTE TO FELKER: ur awesome. so is melissa and dawn
o.k. everyone get along nice now...and eric, i know you were trying to sound like me with the spelling thing...but, no it wasn't me...nice try...teehee
NOTE TO FELKER: Chill out kid, yer ugly!
Haha, no way Mrs. N. I was not any of the anonymy!!! I do however thoroughly enjoy this debate. NOTE TO FELKER: pure jokes man
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