Memories..Like The Corner Of My Mind
Man as I look back on the last couple entry`s, I just realize now that the last couple Mp3 posts have been mostly old tunes...Where`s the new tunes?? Yeah we`ll I`ve been listening to lots of new music but I`ve also been diggin up old tunes that I used to listen to back in the day...Music is like photographs for me...when I hear old songs they always remind me of something from my might have been a bad time or a great time in my life..but every song to some extent, reminds me of the past...So I found the "Self=Titled" record by the band Treble Charger...which probably contains the best written songs that Treble Charger ever came up with...this album reminds me of High School for sure....So I`ll leave ya with some of my favourites from that I also grabbed an old copy of The Doves disk Lost Souls...which is the album that I probably listened to the most when I drove to California years whenever I hear "Catch the Sun" it reminds me of California because that song was playing when I entered the State...I did something crazy the other night...we`ll not too crazy but I couldn`t help myself...Let me explain...Patricia (my loving and excellent gift buyer of a GF) bought me Elliott Smith`s Either/Or on Vinyl last Christmas(2004)...and it had stayed sealed, still in plastic till about 2 nights ago when I finally decided to open it...I had to man...and boy what a great idea...I mean the record sounds georgous on LP.....why I kept this historic gem locked up for so long...who knows...but its open now and I listen to it like its going out of...wait....ok its out of style now..later!CN Treble Charger - Morale Treble Charger - Even Grable (my fav Treble Charger song) The Doves - Catch The Sun |
Comments on "Memories..Like The Corner Of My Mind"
hello Chrissy. just wanted to say hello and just in case you wanted to see Brokeback mountain...don't do it!! Its kinda artsy and weird. I saw it last night with Emily and puked a little bit in my mouth. ok bye bye!!
hahahaha.....MKN...pure jokes....good choices on all the old school high school rock man, we had lots of good times in the good old lancer listening to alot of tunes......road trip to kitchener anyone?!?!?! we won't actually go anywhere, we'll just drive around....haha good times my friend
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