Sometimes I think this cycle never ends......
Ok listen up!..I`ve been doing a lot of thinking lately about starting my own Broken Social Scene basically what I wanna do is compose an album and get as many people as I can to contribute to let me know if your in...and whatcha wanna play....Now as promised its time to hook ya up with some awesome tunes....First ya gotta check out Mike Trike...which is a CD that was given to me from Patricia for Christmas...and its right up my ally...smooth and chill harmonies..beautiful guitar work, and it was made in his apartment over the course of a yr...So if your a fan of Elliott Smith or Teenage Fanclub then Mike Trike is the man for you....Enjoy...![]() Mike Trike - House Burned Down Mike Trike - Into This Couch (F`in awesome song!!) Mike Trike - Valet Now on to some Clap Your Hands Say Yeah!...which I`ll admit I was a little late on this wasn`t until I read a lot of top albums for 2005 and noticed that CYHSY were in all of them, then I download the album...glad I`s two of my favs.... ![]() Clap Your Hands Say Yeah! - In This Home On Ice Clap Your Hands Say Yeah! - Upon This Tidal Wave ![]() Also I decided that my Gift Certificates would go to towards the Death Cab For Cutie DVD - "Drive well and sleep carefully"...which I`ve watched about half now and am loving it...why did I wait this long to pick this up? ...qlso I got one of these for now no one can break into my Laptop.....haha suckers....CN |
Comments on "Sometimes I think this cycle never ends......"
Chrissy...i will play piano. I don't sing or anything...i want to play piano. thank you for this oppurtunity.
you know what I'll play pal........haha
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