Yeah I got in a little shit the other day....had to delete all my Mp3 files...well if you wern`t able to download the new Thrills from here hopefully you found it somewhere else....I wonder if other blogs go threw the same horse-shit I go through on a daily basis....I know I know major artists around the world are losing zillions of dollars cause a little computer geek from Canada is giving a away a few Mp3`s.(sarcasim) ....sorry its getting a lil annoying... On a happier note, Bloc Party is coming to London (John Labbatt Center, Sept 29) so you know I`ll be attending....CN
Bloc Party - Hunting For Witches |
Comments on "Croc-Party"
Bad luck, man. at least you're getting to see bloc party, they're sure to put on an amazing show. I got to see them in Boston during the school year, it was pretty incredible. wish I could see them again
I suppose its kind of the price to pay for having a successful and popular music blog? I don't get people asking me to take stuff down but that's because I doubt they'd find my blog! Oh yeah and bloc party will be amazing, saw them at two dates in the UK, Southampton and Reading (where I got to ask them a question live on radio!). They rocked.
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