MP3s are for sampling only and will only be available for a limited time. The purpose of posting them is to promote Fantastic music. If you like what you hear then please purchase the album. If you are the owner of the track and don't want it posted then please Email Me and it will be taken down.
I`m beat today so this post will be in point-form....1-Happy the Colts won yesterday, and it actually was a good game, 2 - I`m going to The Tragically Hip show tommorrow (thanks Brent) stay tuned for some shots of that..3- If you havn`t seen this video, please take 5 min out of your day to watch it...these guys are crazy good musicians...wait till the end....and last..I got the Hold Steady bonus tracks (off the Australian "Boys and Girls In America" release) and will gladly share them with you....sorry but it pisses me off when bands give away extra tracks for different countries.. Why didn`t my copy of Boys & Girls In America come with special Canadian songs???..CN The Hold Steady - For Boston The Hold Steady - Girls Like Status The Hold Steady - Arms And Hearts The Hold Steady - American Music
Comments on ".....................................mexico......................"
Anonymous said ... (11:04 AM) :
seriously whats up with giving extra tracks to japan and australia?
Anonymous said ... (1:11 PM) :
Thanks for posting! My guess about giving extra tracks to Japan and Australia is it has something to do with North American licensing rights. Someone should ask an artist about it though.
The Hold Steady rocks!
Anonymous said ... (4:10 PM) :
For Japan I heard it's because people could import cds much cheaper from abroad than buying them locally so they had to make the local product more appealling...could be same for Australia?
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i emailed you about this before, but i really wish you'd repost "for boston." missed it the first time around
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Comments on ".....................................mexico......................"
seriously whats up with giving extra tracks to japan and australia?
Thanks for posting! My guess about giving extra tracks to Japan and Australia is it has something to do with North American licensing rights. Someone should ask an artist about it though.
The Hold Steady rocks!
For Japan I heard it's because people could import cds much cheaper from abroad than buying them locally so they had to make the local product more appealling...could be same for Australia?
good day!
Best my wishes to Admin.
I like it a lot! Good work, keep it up. Here a lot of helpful information.
Another links here: online casinos onlinecasinos craps gambling online world series of poker
i emailed you about this before, but i really wish you'd repost "for boston." missed it the first time around
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