Sloan Party Album...
For the last few years I`ve be looking for Sloan`s Party album...It was an extra disk that was included in the American Release of One Chord To Another to try and get Americans to listen to Sloan...I`ve searched used CD stores and record stores and every Torrent site out there...and then I found it...It was in Flac format but I converted it to Mp3 for your listening pleasure (I know it still says Flac in the file name...ignore it)...Sloan later admitted that the album was recorded in a studio and that the background noise was added in...So it technically isn`t a live album..but its still a lot of fun....CN Sloan - Let`s Get The Party Started Sloan - I Can Feel It Sloan - Dignified And Old Sloan - Glitter And Gold Sloan - Over You Sloan - I Am The Cancer Sloan - I Can`t Let Go Sloan - Stood Up Sloan - On The Road Again Sloan - I Wouldn`t Want To Lose Your Love |
Comments on "Sloan Party Album..."
I would assume that the live in the studio with "faked" background noises, etc., was in part a tribute to the similarly-constructed "Beach Boys Party."
Anyway, I had heard OF this, but never HEARD it, so I am looking forward to it.
Bruce K.
P.S. Great blog.
great music..thanks for posting it. I've always wanted to hear this band but never got an album. but now... oh yes. I like the (fake?) handclaps on the last song.
I have this album and love it. The version of I Can Feel It is far better than the Twice Removed Version. In fact, my band, The Yoko Casionos just toured with Sloan and we did I Can Feel It with them for the encores. I did the drum intro from the party album version! Sweet.
hey, how does one get this on iTunes? When I clicked the 'save as' it said windows can not read it, and when I chose iTunes to open it on, nothing happened.
Hey my brother is really hunting for this album as there anyway you could post them again? when I tried to download it they had been taken down.
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